I agree 100% Al.  The perversions now taking place i.e.: the suicide bombers
are strictly the results of the Palestinians refusal to compromise. Some
where along the line their policy makers have decided they can have it all
and they are willing to sabotage every peace proposal because they think
they will win in the long run. When I see Arafat strap on a bomb and
detonate himself in TelAviv then ill understand his pain. He and the other
Palestinian hierarchy are content to send impressionable teenagers out to
destroy innocents . Palestinians may well be among the victims it doesn't
matter. It is a war fought by true believers and run by cowards. Jim
----- Original Message -----
From: "al winslow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 3:52 PM
Subject: RE: {W&P} SV: SV: Star of David [an occult symbol]

> rod/christine wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, the idea that one can "put" a god in a building and claim that,
> > 'it lives there' <smile> and money, <even bigger smile> is an integral
> > act of faith, <watch your pocketbook> and that sacrifice <glum smile>
> > isn't accorded the same as old testament books of law.
> >
> > Yasir Arafat has a "christian" wife...
> >
> > My question is, what is the importance of, the Temple Mount, in all of
> > this?
> >
> > Please understand the reason of my posting this is, King Davids son,
> > Solomon, is the one who built the "temple" (to whom?) and also
> > instituted the Star of David.
> >
> > Thanks al, for your many interesting responses to this List.  I like to
> > read "peoples" train of thought over many months and gain an insight
> > into their intellectual arguments.
> >
> > I've a few comments on the previous post dealing with the Criminal Court
> >
> > (kofi annan and company) that is about to be foisted upon the "american"
> >
> > people.  For those of you out there who know not what "slobodan"
> > translates, anybody care to guess?  i know, but lets see if you know...
> > <grin>
> >
> > Also, both his parents committed suicide. (trivia)
> >
> > ps- pardon the poor american grammar.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Rod
> >
> -----------------------------
> The International Criminal Court isn't going to be foisted upon
> Americans. The US Senate refused to ratify our agreement to do so after
> it was signed by President Clinton. President Bush opposes the ICC and
> is planning to withdraw Clinton's signature. Any American within our
> borders can only be taken and prosecuted elsewhere through the
> long-standing extradition proceedures. There are plenty of mechanisms
> already in place that provide avenues of justice along with legal
> protections to the accused individual, something in our tradition that
> we insist upon. No ICC is needed nor will it be recognized by the USA.
> The Star of David subject worries me. I support Israel 100%. I'm not
> Jewish but if I can find an Israeli flag [which features a Star of
> David] I'm going to display it at my home along with my US flag as a
> demonstration of friendship and solidarity with our Middle Eastern ally.
> While I feel sympathy for the problems of the ordinary Palestinian
> people, I do not blame the Israelis for those problems. Most of the
> blame belongs to Arafat and his ilk among the Arabs who misuse their own
> people as pawns in their ugly game, the goal of of which is  the utter
> destruction of the Jewish state.
> Al Winslow
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