On 1/1/07, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When looking at the code I'm guessing that all you've changed is the
removal of all direct calls to the blockheap system throughout all src/

All memory allocations now take place using ordinary malloc/free,
instead of inside fixed size block heaps, yes.

>>> A huge difference I'm noticing is that now my FPS actually comes above
>>> 25 on my laptop. Before using your patch I'd only have an FPS between
>>> 18-25 (yes the FPS limit was set on 60 as well then), now it runs on 60
>>> while 60 currently is my set limit.


>> For every time when I now encounter enemy units approaching me over a
>> hill (or some other terrain that requires height checking for
>> visibility) an assert gets fired from src/visibility.c:164 (in function:
>> SDWORD visObjHeight(BASE_OBJECT *psObject)). It seems like the memory
>> which contains psObject now somehow gets corrupted which causes
>> psObject->type to be overwritten. I'm guessing this is now being exposed
>> because the previous malloc allocated 32 bytes extra before and after
>> the requested memspace as a safety zone.
> PS It only seems to occur when I pass the --cheat parameter to WZ
Uploaded a savegame and my own compilation (only diff to r591 is your
mempatch) that cause the assert-loop here: http://wz-debug.mortis.eu/

I cannot reproduce it with the savegame. I see some odd artefacts,
though - the ocean tiles do not tile well, and some "error: ...
warning ..." messages, but no asserts.

I do not have time to test this in any depth. If you can get me a
backtrace, I could look at that. The next step is probably to look at
the valgrind report and check those invalid reads and conditional
jumps. Those need to be fixed (I think most of them are present in
current svn also? perhaps a good idea would be to fix them in svn
current first, then see if we get any _new_ ones after applying the

 - Per

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