Am Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2007 15:42 schrieb Dennis Schridde:
> Author: devurandom
> Date: Thu Jan  4 15:42:40 2007
> New Revision: 596
> URL:
> Log:
> Multiplayer Command Turrets can now attack/mark air targets. This makes it
> sensible to attach AA weapons to commanders for defensive purposes.
On IRC we were talking about multiple turrets for commanders.
There were 2 ideas:

1. One offensive and one defensive turret. You can control the offensive one 
and the defensive one tries to defend the commander and therefore marks 
defensive targets. Some it has to be choosen which target a groupmember wants 
to choose. (Can I better defend my commander or should I rather use his 
offensive recommendation?) Maybe a target can additionally marked 
as "urgent", in cases where the commander droid is like to get destroyed by 
that unit soon.

2. One ground and one air turret. The attached AA units obey orders from the 
air turret, while the others obey those from the ground turret. This follows 
the usual rules for target selection. (Use droid-target if possible: 
Commander AA turret can't attack ground units, so it will choose a better 
target. This can then be also attacked by the attached AA units. Same applies 
for ground turret / ground units.)

2 is probably easier to implement, while 1 simulates a much higher inteligency 
of the commander.

What do you think?

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