On 1/8/07, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A branch (in my opinion) servers another purpose, namely that you can
change code more heavily (i.e rapidly). Without having to worry about
preventing to break things (in fact a redo of the sound system *will*,
at least in the first stages, break things).

Nobody will worry if you break things locally...

Secondly it keeps the rest of the system in a more consistent state.

No, this is where I am afraid you are wrong. Working with two
different branches make it more difficult to keep things consistent.
Consider two people A and B working on two different sets of code that
partially overlap. If they both work on the trunk, commits from the
one will gradually creep into the copy of the other and be integrated.
However, if they commit to separate branches, it is much easier for
their work to diverge radically, leading to code that will be very
hard to merge later, because their changes may be incompatible or go
in opposite directions.

Plus, merging in the differences from the main trunk from time to time
really isn't that difficult. It merely is a simple `svn merge
wz/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wz/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wz/branch/blabla` and then resolving 
conflicts. ;-) Making it sound easy ain't I?

Only until you've done it a few times...

I'm going to
give it a go with C++ at first. I hope that when you stated this: "I do
not want this unless there is a very good reason for it" you didn't mean
you object me doing this maintenance and implementing?

That is exactly what I meant. My experience from a far older free
software project is that one thing you should never assume is that the
person who writes some code will be around later to maintain it years
later, and one of the most important qualities free software code can
have is to be easily maintainable.

Lastly, and I am sorry to put it like this, but just the fact that you
like C++ is not a good reason to introduce C++ code to Warzone. We
should have good technical reasons for changing stuff, even if we do
this for fun.

 - Per

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