Am Samstag, 27. Januar 2007 schrieb Ari Johnson:
> I don't have time to check the bug lists, but I'm just running these
> by everyone in case they are Mac-only problems.  This is from the
> latest subversion:
> 1. When you drag a rectangle to select multiple units, it comes up as
> solid yellow with the unit brackets showing through but not the
> terrain or units themselves.  Basically, anything 3D becomes solid
> yellow.  Screenshots are attached.
Really odd. Very probably related to r603, like Christian said.
Works fine here... Dunno why it may be a problem for MacOS...

> 2. The minimap view indicator (the yellow trapezoid) seems to scale
> incorrectly, and goes inside out at some points.  Screenshots are
> attached to show the two extremes of zooming out and then in.
Either I am just too stupid, my imaging program doesn't work correctly or you 
attached the wrong portion of your screenshots... I simply can't see the 
minimap at all.

> 3. Keys with Left Control shifting are off.  For instance,
> Ctrl-left-arrow speeds up the simulation, Ctrl-minus sets it to 1.0
> speed, and Ctrl-equal-sign slows it down a step.  Ctrl-Z, which used
> to be "select all similar units" is now "jump to next factory".  I
> don't know what might be causing this.
Probably the keymap was changed. Did you try to delete the old one?

> 4. The output at the end of this message comes up just in the first
> couple of stages of playing the campaign.
Just had a quick look. Those files really don't exists. Probably someone 
changed a portion of the code to make them appear, while they were hidden 
behind some unused code earlier. It shouldn't be a problem, since they are 
not required, as the output says. Maybe someone can have a look in the 1.10 
Warzone to see what was in them before they got lost... (Or maybe they were 
even in the SVN earlier, but got deleted in an accident? Should be fixed 

> 5. It crashes if you try to save the game at any point.  It appears to
> come from endian_uword(&psSaveDroid->turretPitch[i]) online 6417 of
> game.c.  I haven't had chance to look into this one yet but it looks
> like "i" has a value of 46657 so I'm thinking what happens is numWeaps
> gets endianized and then the loop from 0 up to numWeaps goes way too
> far.  The way to fix this is to move the endianization of numWeaps to
> after the loop, I think.
> That's all I have for now.  There are some other issues that I had but
> they didn't come up in my test run tonight.  I will test run it later
> this weekend to find the others, probably.  (If I don't save the game,
> it will run longer so I can crash it doing something else.)  Let me
> know if anyone has any ideas for #1-#4.  Of those, all of them are
> relatively new other than the minimap thing.
> Ari
> Output from game:
> warning:    loadFile2: optional file sequenceaudio/BrfCom.txt could
> not be opened: No such file or directory
> warning:    loadFile2: optional file sequenceaudio/cam1/cam1ascv.txt
> could not be opened: No such file or directory
> warning:    loadFile2: optional file sequenceaudio/cam1/cam1b_P.txt
> could not be opened: No such file or directory
> warning:    loadFile2: optional file sequenceaudio/cam1/cam1b.txt
> could not be opened: No such file or directory

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