yes I know the texture 'quality' makes no difference in memory as long as
the total number of bits are changed,it's just weird WZ render lags the
overall performance in the areas where you least expected:

1.the matrix multiplications' performance impact is minor(probably 5% fps
drop) with 'drawshadow' function disabled(the one actually draws the
shapes,not the ones doing matrix stuff)
2.after some simple 'vertex3f to color3f' tests,it turns out that the poor
performance is geometry limited...really odd it could be geometry limited
with wz's low polygons...
3.cpu usage by renderer is pretty high too,it always gives you unacceptable
fps and 100% cpu usage for 1Ghz or lesser,100% cpu and acceptable fps for
1Ghz - 1.5Ghz,80% or so cpu for 2 - 3Ghz or AMD equivalent...consider the
old one can run happily on a 500-1000Mhz from what I heard and I dont think
changing software/d3d renderer to opengl will up the cpu
requirements(actually changing software to opengl should reduce cpu burden
4.changing texture affects performance...
5.wondering why there are no inline function in piedraw.c...

sorry for the slow reply,was uploading the changed png's at 12KB/s...
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