On Monday, 12 February 2007 at 23:50, Dennis Schridde wrote:
> In the roadmap (http://wz2100.net/wiki/roadmap:2.0.6) only one bug is left, 
> which I want to fix for 2.0.6 (empty config file on Windows).

Any hints on that? Delaying the release for a bug you don't have any
idea on how to tackle seems a bit pointless... (same as some of the
others you listed).

Anyway, I'd like to improve the current documentation a bit (inspired by
the long comment at http://happypenguin.org/show?Warzone%202100), that
might take some time, so if the release is delayed for a bit that could
be added as well.

Oh, and how about a release candidate for 2.0.6? Not as "see if anyone
finds some bugs in it", that can be done by the release as well. But add
the "return TRUE" to disable videos, and ask people to especially report
any problems related to that (so perhaps its more a test release than a
release candidate - just a name, anyway). That'll have the effect of
delaying the release a bit as well, and gives people something to play
with in the meantime.

(some time later) Ah, well, I don't want to rewrite all that, I'll look
some more into the video issue, so take the previous paragraph with a
grain of salt.

And finally, the release checklist is missing "run ./autogen.sh" to
create the build system for the source tarball, and happypenguin.org to
announce the release on (any other interesting sites?).

Labor, n.:
        One of the processes by which A acquires property for B.
                -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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