Am Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2007 schrieb The Watermelon:
> On 2/15/07, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dennis Schridde schreef:
> > > Am Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2007 schrieb The Watermelon:
> > >> that empty config bug is mingw related,it's a potential bug in those
> >
> > static
> >
> > >> linked .a library or a bug of windows.But it's very hard to
> > >> reproduce/pinpoint the problem,since the bug only happens with certain
> > >> version of system dlls and certain version of windows.
> > >
> > > So this is a bug in MinGWs implementation of strlen??? I would have
> >
> > guess that
> >
> > > MinGW uses the strlen implementation provided by MS in their C
> >
> > runtime...
> >
> > Is it even strlen that is at fault there?
> >
> > @Watermelon: could you please elaborate as to _what_ bug causes the
> > empty config file problem.
> >
> > --
> > Giel
> I am not sure what exactly the problem is,though it seems devurandom
> already found the bug. =)
I don't think that the MinGW implementation of strlen is broken for several 
reasons: They can simply use the MS implementation. strlen is really not 
difficult to implement. It is a very commonly used function, so unlikely that 
there will be an undetected bug.

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