Am Dienstag, 18. März 2008 00:40:24 schrieb Angus Lees:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:05:46 +0100 Angus Lees wrote:
> > > So I figured the best way forward with FMV sequences was to keep the
> > > released content, but avoid the unreleased "codec130" video codec. 
> > > Once we aren't keeping the original files, we may as well dump RPL and
> > > use a better known format.  As a step in that direction, here's a tool
> > > that will use the binary dlls to extract RPL content into a standard
> > > (uncompressed) AVI file.
> > >
> > > Compiles against libwine, might even work on windows with a different
> > > Makefile.  Requires winstr.dll, dec130.dll, edec.dll, winsdec.dll in
> > > the same directory as the executable (or in the wine dll search path).
> > > streamer.h from original source release is included.
> > >
> > > This is my first "windows" code, but it seems to actually work  :P
> >
> > The attached rpl2avi.c mentions "GPL - Angus Lees <mail-address-here>
> > April 2006" as it's licensing header.
> >
> > Which version of the GPL does that mean? Can I use this:
> > > This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> > > it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> > > the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
> > > (at your option) any later version.
> >
> > ??
> >
> > That is to say, would you agree with attaching the standard GPLv2 boiler
> > plate message to that file (rpl2avi.c) as its license header? (I'm
> > assuming GPLv2 since the GPLv3 didn't exist yet at that point).
> (digging through old mail)
> Yes, you can absolutely do whatever you want with the code.  Relicense it
> as you see fit, realising that I'm compiling against the original
> 'proprietary' streamer.h header and (now) have some adpcm code that I
> believe came from alsa.
> I found I had trouble getting the audio to decode correctly for large files
> (devastation.rpl) - so ended up hacking in my own adpcm code (I just ripped
> the warzone code in fact).  I've attached the hacked up version which you
> should probably use - I think it has a few other annoyances fixed too.
> I also have the full set of warzone fmvs cleanly converted to avi/ogg if
> you just want them.
I get an assert when running this on devastation.rpl via Wine:

022] [1023] [1024] ces/devastation.rpl: avifile.c:1460: AVIFILE_AddRecord: 
Assertion `This->nIdxRecords < This->cbIdxRecords/sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY)' 

Works "fine" in a VBox though.

It creates a huge avi file, which neither xine nor ffplay can play. (Only 
mplayer, after complaining a lot.)
Additionaly the colours are wrong. red and blue seem to be swapped.
On top of that, mplayer claims to have found an audio stream, but does not 
playback anything.


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