On 7/23/08, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Wise schreef:
> > On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 01:15 +0200, Giel van Schijndel wrote:
> >> Any thoughts on this?
> >
> > Another beta might be a good idea, if it is done quickly.
> >
> > Also, when the final release is done, we can put a warzone2100 backport
> > on backports.org for lenny users to upgrade to. Many people don't know
> > about backports.org though, so that might become a support issue/FAQ for
> > the warzone devs.
> To all devs (with or without commit access): I would really like this to
> be an "active" decision on our part, as opposed to a "passive" one,
> where we allow the decision to be made for us due to time passing. I.e.
> either we decide that we do want our current state of 2.1 to be included
> in Debian's next stable release, or we decide that we don't want that to
> happen. As long as that decision is an active one, I can live with both.
> The only negative impact of this on us I can see is the support/FAQ
> issue mentioned above by Paul.
> --
> Giel
> For what it is worth, I rather have 2.1 (beta or not) be included, for the
simple fact that if it is not, then people keep submitting bugs for 2.0.10,
and that doesn't do anybody any good.

I guess you could add/modify the version string on the main menu, to point
people to backports.org, or stick it in the README file or whatever.  I
don't see that as big of a negative compared to getting old bug reports.

I don't suppose it is possible to include them both?
I say that since I know that 2.0.10 works on systems that 2.1 don't work on,
be it because it is running on very low end hardware, and or having some
kind of issues with one of the newer libs we use (QuesoGLC or fontconfig
or...), but it might be nice to have that as a option.   I know that 2.0.10
won't be maintained,  but that version of warzone is better than having no
warzone right?  (Yes, I know that defeats what I wrote above, about the bug
reports, but I digress! ;))
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