Am Dienstag, 23. September 2008 06:08:37 schrieb bugs buggy:
> I was thinking it might be a good time to either split the repository into
> dedicated sections, or have multiple repositories.
Can someone state the pros and cons for that? (esp. the pros...) What led to 
that idea?

> One should be only used for source, and the other only for data.
> The question remains, do we stick with GNA, even though they still are
> having some issue?
What issues do they have? I was told by non-Gna-members that the SVN server 
had been replaced? (Sadly my communications with the project itself can 
somehow not be established... :( )

> Is having multiple repositories allowed on GNA?
I would have to investigate whether multiple repositories for one project are 
possible via Savana. But having multiple projects for one thing on Gna is 
afaik not an issue (this is not an official statement, will have to ask for 
that, too :P ). I am building this view on the statement "Large software 
distributions are not allowed; they should be split into separate projects." 
as found on

> Should we take the data to a new host to test the waters?

> Or is having
> data not allowed as a 'project' on like source forge, or whatever?
I do not know the SourceForge rules and I do not know anyone of their staff.
Furthermore SF is not free, they have loads of ads, even more flash and their 
servers are not really faster either... So if we find anything else, I'd 
rather go with that instead of SF...

To bring this up again: Why exactly can we not host our repository on That sounds like the most effective and simple solution to me...
(In case we move away from Gna for whatever reason...)
We'd lack the project management functions as found in Savana, but then we are 
not that many people and adding a new SVN access every few months doesn't 
sound too bothersome. Permission to do that can even be handed out to other 
project members, so our admin (*waves to Kamaze*) does not have to be bothered 
with it.


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