I don't think adding version checking code to 2.2 is a good idea.
Let's not do a lot of changes to it, so that it can be released.

Instead, I suggest that for trunk we use port 2100 for game, port 9990
(or something else) for master; for 2.2 we use port 2100 for master,
and port 9990 (or something else) for game. That means, we switch them
when changing 2.2->trunk. This way people will not have to open new
ports in their firewall for the 2.2->trunk upgrade. In the trunk
version, we add version checking and probably a ton of other network

Another reason why adding a version check to 2.2 may not be
sufficient, is that we may end up making totally network incompatible
changes that it cannot pick up anyway when we first start picking
apart the netplay code. I do not want to freeze any part of the
network code before this work is even seriously started.

  - Per

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