On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:09 AM, bugs buggy<buginato...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The main issue I see, is that we don't have enough testers--which is
> why I think we should release often, and, I don't think we test
> things on skirmish & mp & campaign.
> This is why we should have at least 3-4 savegames that we can use to
> do quick tests.
> For SP game, we need savegames that involve all the transition types
> (expand, limbo..etc) the games does.

We badly need an 'autogame' for campaign. It doesn't have to be very
fancy, just a 'let me win' for each level or send off a transport full
of trucks when that is required. This will test all the transitions.

As with so many other things, I guess it will have to wait until the
lua branch work is done. (wink, wink)

  - Per

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