On 1/16/10, dak180 <xxx...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Because Zarel is currently unable to post to the list he asked me to pass
> this on; http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1415
Yeah, I know this is obviously too late now, and I don't see any
replies here on the ML, but I assume that the replies about this patch
was requested here and not the ticket?
Here goes my (late) comments.

> 4)Searches for videos-hq.wz and videos-lq.wz as well as sequences.wz. These 
> new
> proposed names help make sure that a user does not accidentally overwrite HQ 
> videos
> with LQ videos, and that a user can easily tell what kind of videos he/she 
> has.

I am glad this didn't make it into the patch,  and I agree with
cybersphinx's comment about this.  We shouldn't do this.

Why did you make a new ticket of this, since we talked about it here?

Autoloading anything is still is a bad idea if not done correctly.
Users need to keep track of what is in the autoload directory,
remember to remove everything from that directory when they need to,
and of course, check to see if the mod is the same version as what the
host has (_before_ they enter the game), and possibly the most
important thing, what happens if the mods conflict with each other?
Anything less, and it leads to frustration for everyone, annoying host
restarts, and possibly more bug tickets which were pretty much all
alleviated with the removal of the autoload directory in the first

Don't get me wrong, this is a good start, but it is only half done,
and I would have preferred to hold off on this patch for a better
version for a 2.3.1 release.

I also noticed that you didn't add the mod information to the crash
report file?  Any reason why not?

The community itself has stepped up to the task of not having a
'autoload' directory and made frontends for warzone which is pretty
cool.  Some of those appear to be cross-platform as well, so we could
have bundled one of their programs until we fix this mod mess.

Oh, and just so I make it clear, the data checking code in the
codebase is NOT mine, it is all pretty much Pumpkin's original code
minus some of their bugs.

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