On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 9:14 PM, buginator <buginato...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I know this is obviously too late now, and I don't see any
> replies here on the ML, but I assume that the replies about this patch
> was requested here and not the ticket?
> Here goes my (late) comments.

Well, they were supposed to go on the ticket, but now that the
ticket's closed, here is fine.

> I am glad this didn't make it into the patch,  and I agree with
> cybersphinx's comment about this.  We shouldn't do this.

Can you be more specific? Why not?

> Why did you make a new ticket of this, since we talked about it here?
> http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/688

There were major changes - I basically scrapped everything in that
patch, so I thought it was better off in a new ticket.

> Autoloading anything is still is a bad idea if not done correctly.
> Users need to keep track of what is in the autoload directory,
> remember to remove everything from that directory when they need to,
> and of course, check to see if the mod is the same version as what the
> host has (_before_ they enter the game), and possibly the most
> important thing, what happens if the mods conflict with each other?
> Anything less, and it leads to frustration for everyone, annoying host
> restarts, and possibly more bug tickets which were pretty much all
> alleviated with the removal of the autoload directory in the first
> place.

Well, now that Warzone lists all the loaded mods in several prominent
places, users will often be reminded of what's in their autoload
directory. Comparing versions will indeed be an issue - do you suppose
you could adapt the data checking code for that?

I don't remember any users reporting confusion over autoload folders
before they were removed, and I got the impression many users found it
quite convenient. I don't remember any bug reports over conflicting
mods - only a few forum threads that were easily resolved. We could
also only load the first mod in the autoload directory, if conflicting
mods is the only issue.

> Don't get me wrong, this is a good start, but it is only half done,
> and I would have preferred to hold off on this patch for a better
> version for a 2.3.1 release.

I still believe this is enough of a start for the benefits of an
autoload folder to outweigh the drawbacks.

> I also noticed that you didn't add the mod information to the crash
> report file?  Any reason why not?

I don't know how to. :( Point me to the loc, and I'll do it.

> The community itself has stepped up to the task of not having a
> 'autoload' directory and made frontends for warzone which is pretty
> cool.  Some of those appear to be cross-platform as well, so we could
> have bundled one of their programs until we fix this mod mess.

Yes, but they are relatively unnecessary, and I find them difficult to
use... and they suffer the many of the same problems the autoload
folders suffered. The fact that even those are preferable to the
command-line system should illustrate the necessity of autoload


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