After some more tinkering with the code, I finally found the issue
that MSVC was having.  In short, a bool in c is a int, and in c++ a
bool !=int.  It was always returning 256 on false, and  -858993663 on
true.  For those that don't see what that is, here:
false = 0x00000100, true = 0xcccccc01   make sense ?  Good.

The plan fix is to change the .cpp bool to BOOL, which will work on
all platforms.

With that out of the way, and a actual running Qt codebase, the next
issue is with the keymaps.  I don't really understand why we are *not*
using Qt:Key_XYZ and using values that only sometimes match the
Qt::Key assignments.  The ASCII codes mostly all match, the rest are
not even close.
KEY_LALT = 308 for us, and Key_Alt = 0x01000023 for Qt::Key.
Got around this by doing a lookup function, so now, the keymap display
is more or less working as it should, but it has issues on linux
still. It is showing ALT+meta+- for example, and on windows it shows

The bigger problem is, the branch is pretty much fubared.
When trying to do a reintegrate back to trunk, it spits out:

Reintegrate can only be used if revisions 8502 through 10747 were previously
merged from
to the reintegrate source, but this is not the case:
Missing ranges:
Missing ranges:

We also don't have the original history when the first mass merge was
done on svn, and all subsequent mass merges as well.

Bottom line is, we need to either do:
A) restart from square 1, go back to the original git repo, and start
applying those patches one by one (to get the history back), and then
switch over to the svn commits, and apply those one by one to retain
the history of those onto a new trunk branch.
b) try to fix the above missing merges, but that still leaves us with
no history from the git repo.
c) something else.

Any opinion on what would be the best course of action for us ?

P.S, yes, the MSVC builds are now 100% static, so no real rush for
fixing the CC builds, but that still needs to be done.

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