On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Guangcong Luo <za...@wz2100.net> wrote:
> Ye gods, the last time our current release branch was branched from
> trunk was two years and two major versions ago. I really don't want to
> continue that.

At least that branch is stable and playable, which is more than can be
said for trunk. There is a lot of work ahead of us before trunk is in
a release state, no matter what development branches we do or do not
merge in.

> Though I no longer believe that power flow is objectively inferior, I
> still contest it on the basis that it's a controversial major
> departure from 2.3. Everyone appears to be in agreement that the trunk
> power system is inferior to all others

We seem to be hearing different things from the same people. In fact,
as far as I can tell, you are the only person who is making a big fuss
about it. The rest of us have been playing trunk power system happily
for a long while now.

>, and in lieu of a clear winner
> between the four proposed power systems on the forums, the 2.3 power
> system should win by default.

I think that is a strange cop-out, since all of your arguments against
the trunk power system apply equally to the 2.3 power system.

> I also contest it on the basis that I am nominally the lead balancer
> here, and power system is arguably a balance-based decision.

I disagree that it has anything to do with balancing.

  - Per

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