On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 4:13 AM, Per Inge Mathisen
<per.mathi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At least that branch is stable and playable, which is more than can be
> said for trunk. There is a lot of work ahead of us before trunk is in
> a release state, no matter what development branches we do or do not
> merge in.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about pathing. Other than that, I don't think we
have any more work than when 2.3 was branched.

> We seem to be hearing different things from the same people. In fact,
> as far as I can tell, you are the only person who is making a big fuss
> about it. The rest of us have been playing trunk power system happily
> for a long while now.

"The rest of us" being a fairly small number of people, including
practically no one who plays multiplayer competitively. You'll notice
on the forums quite a few people disagreed with the trunk power

And plus, "as far as [you] can tell" isn't that far, considering the
fairly large swaths of time in which you're not on IRC. I think that's
why you only became aware of my patch after I started writing it, even
though months before that, I was already answering "my power queue
patch will fix that" whenever someone mentioned a flaw with the power

As far as _I_ can tell, you are the only person who is making a big
fuss about staying away from the 2.3 power system. Well, you and JDW
on the forums.

> I think that is a strange cop-out, since all of your arguments against
> the trunk power system apply equally to the 2.3 power system.

My largest objection to the trunk power system:

- I never know how much power I have, or whether or not I have enough
power to do something, since the rate at which it increases/decreases
changes several times a minute.

This is why I don't want to use it in competitive multiplayer
specifically: It's much more important there to know exactly how much
power I have.

Direct-debit-power-queue and 2.3 are identical as long as no more than
one thing is on the queue at a time. The power queue I consider an
improvement over 2.3, but if you guys don't, I can live with the
additional micromanagement 2.3 requires. But I cannot handle trunk's
power system for the reason stated above.

Most of the other problems with power flow I've been talking about the
past few days are fairly minor in comparison. I could probably get
used to them. But the one reason I listed above? That's not something
I could get used to, since I'd never be able to do the mental
calculations of, if I click on any given research/manufacture item,
whether or not I'd be above zero power when it completes.

> I disagree that it has anything to do with balancing.

If it interferes with competitive play, balance is probably involved.
Power queue or no power queue is a question of micromanagement - only
indirectly related to balance, granted. Power flow or direct debit,
though, that seems to me a question of balance.


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