I guess I would question why you'd do that; and those seem like different
tests. But unless you give me a reason, I'd treat them separately.

Charley Baker
blog: http://blog.charleybaker.org/
Lead Developer, Watir, http://wtr.rubyforge.org
QA Architect, Gap Inc Direct

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 4:27 PM, <andrew.d...@lthree.com> wrote:

> I have a table cell that sometimes holds a span and sometimes holds a
> select list. I was trying a begin/rescue like this;
>      begin
>        puts "looking for select list"
>        @row.cell(:index, 2).select_list(:index, 1)
>       rescue Exception => e
>         puts "looking for span"
>         @row.cell(:index, 2).span(:index, 1)
>       end
> I get the 'looking for select list' message, but never the 'looking
> for span' message. Instead I get
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.3/lib/watir/element.rb:52:in
> `assert_exists': Unable to locate element, using :index, 1
> Is there a way to rescue an assert_exists failure?
> Andy
> >

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