On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Lisa Crispin <lisa.cris...@gmail.com>
> I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to break them.

There is a setting in watir 2.x to keep the old 1-based indexing (instead
of using the new 0-based). If you are using indexes, that could break a lot
of your code.

>From http://watir.com/2011/08/11/watir-2-0:

Watir.options[:zero_based_indexing] = false

> Is there a central location with this information that I just haven't
found yet?

I think this is all we have:


> If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't
work, can I back up to the old versions again?

I think the newest watir gem should work on your ruby. So, the easiest
thing would be to just upgrade watir gem and try. If you do not like it,
just "gem uninstall watir" at the command line, and it will ask you which
version you want to uninstall.

You can also install watir-webdriver gem, try it and see if you like it. I
think it should also work on your version of ruby.

I try to keep installation instructions up to date:


> I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we have, but I
don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to try Selenium.

This is not the first time I have heard this. Some people would like to use
Watir, some Selenium. The questions is why would they switch to Selenium?
Would it look good on their CV? Or they prefer Java (or another language)?
Something else?

If they would like to try selenium, but stick with ruby, they can try
selenium-webdriver gem. As far as I understood it, watir-webdriver gem just
adds watir API on top of selenium-webdriver gem.

Alister has been writing about different browser automation tools, for


If you have any problems or questions, feel free to ask.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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