Hi all,

I am looking into the differences between watir and watir-webdriver.
I see that the are some differences, such as the attach is suppported
in watir and not in watir-webdriver (BTW, this appears to be a deal
breaker issue), but what other differences are there.  For example,
while working with the table object, in watir, I can use .row_value.
Can't in watir-webdriver.  When I search for an API for watir-
webdriver, watir API come up.  Thanks for any help you can

BTW, (I read the thread on the tightness of the coupling between watir
and watir-webdriver.  That sort of went in different direction than I
am looking for.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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