> What are you using attach for, since you consider it a deal breaker?
Hi Jari,
I am trying to rebuild my current test framework using Watir and other
ruby components.  Currently, we use HP's BPT framework where reusable
business components (sort of like functions but with additional
stuff).  With this framework, each piece is independent without any
care about what comes before or after.  My thought is to use the
attach method to rejoin to the browser under test when the new
component starts.  I have not gotten so far enough on my framework
rebuild to know if this function will be absolutely necessary.
Also, the attach method would be great when using the IRB to
troubleshoot bits of code.  A lot easier than creating a new browser
and navigating to the page every time you need it.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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