
On 7 May 2013 16:14, Todd Showalter <t...@electronjump.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 3:23 AM, Pekka Paalanen <ppaala...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, like Daniel said, there is no concept of a "return value".
>> When a client creates a new object, the server can only either agree,
>> or disconnect the client with a protocol error. Any other behaviour
>> requires specialized handling, and causes a roundtrip, where the client
>> must either wait for a reply before continuing, or risk having further
>> requests ignored without any obvious way to know what got ignored in
>> the end. Both cases are unacceptable.
>     Ok.  I was assuming that cases where you had fundamental
> capability change in the server (ie: input devices appearing or
> disappearing) were rare and special enough to warrant a round trip.

There's another reason too: unifying the cold- and hotplug cases.
With the X model, where you have a roundtrip to enumerate devices and
their details, plus hotplug events, you have two codepaths and it gets
quite annoying.  Wayland follows the udev model, where coldplug is
just a storm of hotplug events.  If you really need to do strict
enumeration, you could do a roundtrip immediately after creating the
gamepad object in which all you do is destroy it, knowing that in
between those two happening, you've got all your device creation

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