Well, we completed the investigation on Helen.  She does have a porch,
just like someone mentioned.  In addition to the episode where Barney
and Goober spy, when the Darlings are seeking her as a wife for one of
the boys, we see the Porch again.  What is strange is the Door that Andy
walks Helen to after the big Frank (blamed gradin manual)  blow-up.
There is no porch  at that door.  There is a door bell and a house
number--but no porch.  Back Door?? Possible. But why the house number?
Maybe she was painting and that makes a mess, so she went to a neighbor.
Or maybe her Landlady put in a side door for her to enter after fight
with Andy??  Just one of these inconsistencies us Trained Noticers love
to find.

I'm really glad Ken brought up the Taylor Porch.  There have been nice
stories, as well as good porch sightings.  

Now Laura Lee, about Helen locking herself in jail..The first time she
was being chased in that direction, it just seemed like the place to go.
The second time, I guess she just knew it was safe.   Also, it had been
a long time since anyone had locked themselves in...Maybe she was just
missing Barney.

There is only one Schwamp (no twins Kim), but I noticed something
interesting in the episode that Andy got the check for $1000.  Mr.
Schwamp is right there with the other men in the Courthouse looking at
the check, but who does Goober mention?? Mr. Schlummer!!  Ole Man
Schlummer, you might recall, is the Real Estate guy who smokes cee-gars
and drives a rattle-trap car when somebody comes in and wants to buy a
house.  Why would Goober mention him along with Floyd and George the TV
man??  I think he meant to say Schwamp....Of course Mr. Schwamp didn't
say anything.  He didn't want to make Goober look bad.  He just smiled. 

Now all them zeroes boys is the key to the whole thing
The Untrained Voice

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