New Member Update/Bio's

The latest WBMUTBB Chapter member list can be found at the at the WBMUTBB Chapter's web site. Go to the web site and click on the "Members Only" link. There you will see another link you can click on. That will take you to a page for entering your PASSWORD for the Member List page.

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Below are the biography's on most of our newest members. Be sure to say "hey" back to them and tell 'em a little about yourselves so they'll feel right at home here in Mayberry.

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My name is Andrea Switzer and I am from Paris, IL

My Email address is:
Switzer, Andrea - > Paris, IL

TAGS is my favorite show and I've been watching it most of my life. I am around Ron Howard's age, so I've grown up with him. I was a member of the TAGSRWC for several years and am planning on renewing my membership. I own all of the books and recommended The Mayberry Cafe in Danville Indiana to Midwest Living Magazine and they did an article on it and visited there and I was thrilled to receive a letter from the restaurant with gift certificates. We live in Illinois and have driven a couple of hours to eat at this cafe many times, as they have a Mayberry theme and show old TAGS reruns on their televisions at each booth. Like most fans of TAGS, I have watched and memorized so many of the scripts. I hope that they never take the reruns off of the air, but I do own a lot of the videos in case they ever do.

My name is Pam Vaughn and I am from Wheaton, IL

My Email address is:
Vaughn, Pam - > Wheaton, IL

I started watching The Andy Griffith Show when I was in high school, continued in college (with only a few other "geeky" girls in my dorms, sad to say) and am still and always a devoted fan. For whatever reason, I just never get tired of watching those great folks of Mayberry! I would love the opportunity to join this great forum and share your love of Mayberry, everyone's dreamed-of home town.


 My name is Martin Danson and I am from Columbia, MO

My Email address is:
Danson, Martin - > Columbia, MO

Andy Griffith, love it, live it, and teach it to your kids and grandkids and they'll turn out okay.

My name is Joey Bunch and I am from Denver `, CO

My Email address is:
Bunch, Joey - > Denver `, CO

I was a member before, but I lost it when I changed jobs and left town 10 years ago. My T-shirt lasted another five. I'd like to get back on the good list. I'm a good neighbor, my pets like me, I have no felony convictions, and I know almost everything worth knowing about Andy G.

Goober says hey.

-- Joey Bunch


 My name is Angela Easterling and I am from Ashcamp, KY

My Email address is:
Easterling, Angela - > Ashcamp, KY

I've loved the Andy Griffith Show for as long as I can remember. I'm 53 years old so that is quite a while. I'm married happily and have two children, one stepson, and one grandson who is 9 months old.

My name is Jan Nahorski and I am from Joliet, IL

My Email address is:
Nahorski, Jan - > Joliet, IL

57 yo that didn't realize how true it was-Everything that I needed to know about life I learned from the Andy Griffith Show. I am reading "The Way Back To Mayberry - Lessons from a Simpler Time" by Joey Flann and that is how I learned about your website. Looking forward to "simplifying" my life again.


 My name is Bud Hendrix and I am from Peachtree City, GA

My Email address is:
Hendrix, Bud - > Peachtree City, GA

Born in Valdosta Ga and I have watched Andy Griffith all my life and still love it!!!


My name is Deborah Coleman and I am from Sumter, SC

My Email address is:
Coleman, Deborah - > Sumter, SC

I am a white female 44 years old, I have been married for 9 years and I have 6 children.


My name is Tom Roberson and I am from Pensacola, FL

My Email address is:
Roberson, Tom - > Pensacola, FL

Fan of the show since i was a kid. Used to receive the Bullet in the mail and then on e-mail, but kind of lost touch when I changed e-mail accounts several years ago. I am back, though, and looking forward to the fun!


My name is Allan Cook and I am from Duncanville, TX

My Email address is:
Cook, Allan - > Duncanville, TX

I am a lifelong fan of the Andy Griffith show, and of the whole cast,all of them were very important to the show. As a Christian I don't watch much t.v. with violence and cursing,and my 12 year old son loves this show and watches it with me, I named him Andy.
I'm 41 years old and have a great affection for the 1950's and 1960's.


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