I had an alumni sighting today.    Of course, it was cheating because it was 
Gilley Walker.    Gilley Walker is on MeTV every weeknight right after Mayberry 
RFD, playing on Hogan's Heroes.    I wonder if ole Gilley Walker is any kin to 
Fred and Ellie Walker?     I think all those Beasleys in Mayberry were kin.

Back to Ken and his oil, that might be a good suggestion getting a thinner oil. 
   Why not try this, get you a great big old bottle of castor oil and drink the 
whole thing.     See if that doesn't get your knees to pumping.    Matter of 
fact, I bet they would be going all the time.

Speaking of castor oil, I just now thought of a trivia question.    Who, on 
TAGS, gave someone a dose of castor oil without their knowledge?

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man                              
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