A fine example of the question of why standards. On the one hand the page
renders in Opera, Mozilla and IE. But the code is a mess: no opening <html>
but 2 </html> tags, spans which close but never open. Deprecated <font> and
<b> all over the place. Table elements with a wide array of varying
attributes. No indication of units of measure. Probably unreadable on
anything other than a pc. It loads slowly. Pretty much all the criticisms of
table as layout. But Quirks mode overlooks all the faults and heaves it up
on the screen.

On the other hand, if you want to make changes, the changes have to be
wholesale. This nested little nugget would have to be rebuilt from scratch.
A CSS design version would make future segmental changes far less painful.
And CSS would bring some order and logic to the chaos of nesting. But you
know all this. 

One appearance issue. The extra left borders on sub pages don't seem to add
much. And the colors aren't always "comfortable" together. 

So it's a complete redesign or just leave it be. Leave the code untouched
until or if browsers actually stop rendering deprecated tags. Or redo it
completely and properly. I don't think it's worth your time to try to tweak


-----Original Message-----
From: Cheryl D. Wise [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 9:06 AM
Subject: [wdvltalk] Site critique - Chamber of Commerce

Somehow I've been nominated to make suggestions on how to improve the
"Greater Southwest Houston Chamber of Commerce" website. Not that I'm being
paid to do this since they already have a contract with the people who
produce their directory but since I'm a member of the Chamber I've gotten
stuck with the making recommendations. Without any power to actually make
changes mind you just 'suggestions'.

I've been working on taxes so my brain is fried. I'd appreciate any
comments, suggestions, criticism, what is missing that should be there,
navigation improvements, etc. that any of you may have.

Be brutal if you want, after all you won't hurt my feelings. <grin />


Believe it or not it is a vast improvement over what they had a year ago.
They've got a new board who supposedly is wanting to make the site more
intuitive and actually useful.

Cheryl D. Wise
Office: 713.353.0139
Mobile: 713.412.0406

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