Will and Bj,

I am relieved that this has reached an understanding since I feel some
responsibility as it arose from my request.   A point which I must ask Will.

Are you saying thesse are serious views on this site and not, as I read it,
biting satire on the views of some sects?    If they are seriously held
beliefs then they border on madness;  and I'm not sure which side of that
border.   If that is so I do understand your reaction and cannot fault it.



> Hi all,
> I just wanted to share with you BJ's letter and my response.  I do
> appreciate him taking the time to personally write me.  First is his
> letter and then mine:
> ----- BJ: -----
> Hi Will,
> I don't want to argue this or upset you further, just apologize
> sincerely that the Landoverbaptist site upset you so much.  In my
> defense I'd like to say I didn't write it, don't approve of all of its
> content, and I can't help it that that site and much much worse is out
> there on the Web.  I think their parody page of the Amazon site was a
> valid example of its type to mention in the context of what Joseph was
> doing, as it really is a very complete and accurate parody of their
> books page, but maybe instead of saying the "easily offended" shouldn't
> look at the rest of the site I should have said "even the hard to
> offend" because as you point out, it does contain all kinds of dreadful,
> insulting and possibly illegal attacks on black people, Jews, Arabs,
> Roman Catholics and in fact anyone not a paid up member of their
> imaginary church, and must be very offensive to any real Southern
> Baptist who is trying hard to simply be a good Churchgoer.  Satire can
> sometimes be very cruel and the Landover site probably goes way too far
> in that direction and takes a few too many liberties to make a point.
> So as I said I am not going to argue the case for them, and you can be
> assured that I would not post a link to a site like that on WDVL just to
> encourage people to go and visit it to be amused or shocked by the
> content. But we discuss Web design on WDVL, not issues of personal
> belief, and it is a valid example (in the context I raised it) of
> actually very good Web design and construction.  It's also relevant to
> note that that particular page has been online for many weeks to my
> knowledge and has not yet been pulled, and since I am sure Amazon must
> be aware of it,  this might be an indication Joseph is OK with his own
> parody.
> Hope you can get past your displeasure with the content of the Landover
> site, maybe take it out on them not me?
> Sincerely
> Bj
> ----- My reply: -----
> BJ,
> I appreciate your apology.  I understand that when you gave it as an
> example, you were not giving blanket approval of all its content or even
> the content of the page.  You were only presenting its design before the
> list and even that was with objectivity.  So, I do understand.
> To clarify, the greatest offense of that site is its blatant racial
> slurs.  I can handle the anti-Christian jokes, I'm used to that.
> However the content is particularly cruel with both religious and
> social/racial jokes.  My mom used to say, "It takes both parties to
> laugh to make it funny."
> Even though the only attraction to the site was design, not content, I
> feel promoting the site design is synonymous with promoting a porn site
> or something else along that line that would most likely cause great
> offense to some.  I hope I am able to bring some illumination to my
> feelings.
> I hope this does not affect our working relationship.  This is nothing
> against you personally.  In fact, I appreciate the asset you are to this
> list.  This was a learning experience for both of us, I feel.
> Thank you,
> Will Stewart
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