Peter MacGregor wrote:

>> Nice looking site, Perry. <<

>>...the "home" link at the base of the screen isn't in a panel as the
others are. It does work even so. <<
Yes. I'm going to have to address this issue. Perhaps breaking up the
background and giving the DIV a percentage width value.

>> I noticed that wherever my mouse stopped on the front page, the details
of the image appeared. Maybe to do with accessibility - but A bit annoying I
found to have it repeating itself! <<
I too, have found this annoying on some sites, but alt and title tags are
good for accessibility and useful with search engines since so much of my
site is graphical rather than text.

>> Photography page very slow to load - over one minute <<
Hmmm, at home on a 56k connection, I still get it much faster than that.

>> Running mouse over the three sidebar options causes them to disappear
completely. They come back after a second or two - but a bit disconcerting!
Yeah, I know what you mean. The roll over is done with the CSS hover
property in an effort to avoid problems with people who have JS turned off.
I preload the hover image in a layer off-screen. It still seems to be
inordinately slow.

>> Is the date (7.28.2003) meant to be on the Blog page? << 
Yes. Each entry will have an entry date. Does this seem strange?

>> Did you plan to have the Blog page in Times Roman? Doesn't look right!!
I'm open to suggestions.

>> That's my two pence worth for you...Well done...Cheers <<

Perry Gerenday

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