I hadn't got to your posting when I replied - & it's not that I don't
believe you, but I was just giving feedback on what's happening on my
screens as I saw it ...  had another look in daylight across the
range of macs here - yeah, anything's better than getting on with own
work! - you definitely get a serious difference here in old Netscapes
on system 8 on one machine... But sorry, I *still* don't get a
visible difference on my own macs in IE. The background's supposed to
be #666666?

[I could kick you, Tom, as my partner is now indulging in low-key
whining & moaning again about his Flash plug not working properly
... only asked him to look at the URL at all  because he's
colourblind too! <shakes head sadly>]

Thanks for the eyedropper link - had a similar app on my old machine,
but it was one of those that didn't get reinstalled on this one after
the hard drive reformatting in april.


I guess I was just talking to myself earlier... the Flash
background and the page background are most definitely
*different*!  The difference is *visible* to me, and I was
even 'classified' as 'color blind' 35 years ago! ;-)

The Flash background is a solid hex#686868, whereas the page
background is a dithered pattern made up of alternating
pixels of hex#686868 and hex#606460.

If you don't believe me, just check it out for yourself with
"Eye Dropper 3.01" available free from...



At 12:45 AM 09/03/2003 +0100, you wrote:
hi list,

can those of you running mas os have a look at
and tell me whether the flash movie in the top left corner has the
same background colour as the web page?

Yes it does - there is a faint dotted paler line around the red
symbol,which I presume is intentional, but the bg appears the same
on the flash as the webpage.

My client is getting a different bg color on his system, I cannot
replicate it on my (or any other) machine.

Two different iMacs on desk here, one running your page in IE 5 on
system 8.6, other IE 5.1 on Mac Os X & IE 5 on system 9 , both
fine. What's your client running?


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