I haven't created a site in over a year that used anything other than CSS-P
for layout. Some of the sites are visited heavily by NN 4.x browsers. Yes,
it limits you a bit but you can have a site that is streamlined attractive,
works in NN 4.x and uses nothing but css for positioning. 

Take a look at http://pinespc.org. Works in every browser out there
including Lynx. May not look as nice in Lynx but hey that is a pure text
browser. I will admit there is one page that displays differently in NN 4.x
than in compliant browsers and that is the preschool page. Some of the
background images are hidden from NN 4.x because it doesn't handle that type
of positioning well. Not a big deal since there was a difference of opinion
between some of the client's board on whether the pictures should be used or

Very little reason that a simple site of the type our clients need can't use
css for layout.

Cheryl D. Wises 
Certified Professional Web Developer
713.353.0139 Office

-----Original Message-----
From: jmwcruiser

I haven't moved away from tables as I understand that CSS positioning isn't
supported in some of the older browsers. So far, the clients I have are
small business and/or nonprofits where their customers may be on older
machines. I use CSS for the other display elements however. I know people
(and more than I would like to admit) still on Netscape 4 as they believe
this is more secure. After all -- browser attacks are usually targeted at
newer version (at least that is their belief). So they put up with old
browsers. I cannot change their thinking and must accommodate it in the web

Most of these are low budget sites so I can't afford to do a table layout
for older browsers and pure CSS layout for newer ones. I wonder how long it
will be before *most* everyone is using a browser that fully supports CSS

Thanks for reminding me about csszengarden. I haven't been there for a bit.

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