At 20:44 12/05/2004, you wrote:

Andrea is very correct in her reply concerning opening up or clicking
on or going to the web site to unsub.  That just means that you "do" exist
and have confirmed your real email.

Sure, I accept that - but how do you square that with the new legislation in US that says an opt out must be provided? I can identify about 50% of my spam as coming form US based list owners. I thought I'd read that a prosecution was under way of at least one company for sending spam and not abiding by the new laws. Not a lot of point if the suits on Capitol Hill pass laws and don't ensure they are enforced. Here in UK we've had several prosecutions and one jailing so far for breaching our laws.

I'm going to do what Andrea and Joseph have recommended....set up
another email account.

That's all very well - but my email address is in the possession of hundreds of legitimate clients and potential clients, suppliers and potential suppliers, (I run three different businesses from here) it would be commercial suicide for me to kill it off. I can notify a large number of companies I deal with regularly, but I doubt I have a 100% accurate list of everyone I should tell if I change my email.

Just yesterday I got an email from someone I hadn't heard from for about three years - no way I'd have been able to tell him as he's moved to another employer recently and wants me to do some work for them. Could be worth up to £10,000 for me ($15k) so you see why I am reluctant to change!

Good Luck on your trip, Elisa. Enjoy the break.

Peter MacGregor

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