/me whipes the sweat from his brow.


On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 16:10:38 +0100, Joseph Harris
> drew, MOU and Stephen,

> Now, whatever size of screen a surfer has his/her viewing experience is
> affected by the size of browser as she/he uses it.   On the fixed box sites
> a browser smaller than the designed size needs scrolling (not such a problem
> in all honesty) but may also mean important design aspects cannot do their
> 'one second hypnosis' job, and it looks inflexible which is not a good image
> on the flexible net.

Everything you just said is as true of table-based layouts as CSS
based layouts.  It's pretty simple really... if you set your width to
high, people will have to scroll.

> Oh so many of the floats I have seen move around with scrolling, or change
> shape and/or position as the page downloads (maybe not only a box problem,
> but encouraged by the technique). 

I think you're unclear on what a float is.  Maybe it's an issue of
terminology, but it sounds like you're talking more about the liquid
width layouts than floats. So, first a definition:

<quote src="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/visuren.html#floats";>
9.5 Floats

A float is a box that is shifted to the left or right on the current
line. The most interesting characteristic of a float (or "floated" or
"floating" box) is that content may flow along its side (or be
prohibited from doing so by the 'clear' property)...

I will presume you mean liquid layouts (correct me if I'm wrong). 
Again, what you've said of liquid CSS layouts is just as true of
liquid table based  layouts.  The premise is the same.  You have a
portion of the screen which stretches to fit the available area. 
Content reflow is going to behave precisely the same regardless.  In
fact here's a demo page:


>  So I am not just asking for adivce and
> help on how to go about it (I am already sold on css itself) but for a part
> of the discussion MOU referred to:  can I make this new (to me anyway)
> method as flexible in different sized bowsers as I can make tables (visually
> comfortable is what I mean) without suffering a fluidity that ageing and
> imperfect eyes will find uncomfortable?

Well, I can't speak on the matter of what is and is not easy on the
eyes, but I can say with much certainty that you may not only find as
much flexibility, but much more with CSS layouts.  Here's a good


Try changing your font size on that page.
> At the moment I am planning to stay with tables for my redesign (if I ever
> get it done!!!) but I could still be convinced that I shouldn't;  but it is
> viewr experience I am concerned with.

In respect to viewer experience:  By laying out with CSS, you allow
more viewers to experience your site.  A semantically coded, valid
site, with separated presentation goes a long way to being accessible
by default.  This means more user agents (PDA's, cell phones, braille
and screen readers, web-enabled toilets, etc.) can get your content in
an easily digested format.  That, to me, *is* good viewer experience.
> Sorry to go on at length, but I think this is an important aspect.

So do I :)

Here's another tidbit for your thinking cap.  You've got one customer
that's (arguably) more important than any other.  And it's blind.  The
web spider.  It likes to have high "content-to-markup" ratio's.  An
easy way to achieve that is by having all of your presentation
separated out into a single external file that the spider doesn't care
about... your css.  Add to that, semantically appropriate markup that
gives spiders hints as to which pieces of text in a page should be
considered important and you'll be well on your way to good search
engine placement.

okay, I'm done.  someone put the soap box away for me. I need a smoke.

- Stephen

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