It may be spammers retaliating...or your system could
be a zombie that actually is sending out these emails,
unbeknownst to you, as a background program installed
by an intruder.

Why do the spammers send email to billions rather than
the  4% who respond?

First, the 4% of billions represents immense, vast,
easy, fast wealth for spammers. 4% response if this is
the actual figure, and I think it is, is amazingly
huge response, good for direct mail, telemarketing,

4% sounds small. It's not small. I'll take 4% of a
trillion dollars (USD) any day of the week.

Spammers don't know who that 4% is going to be, like
with all direct response marketing. So they *have* to
send email to all billion addresses.

Plus, it costs them the same to send to 10 people as
it does to send to 10 billion people, as far as I can
ascertain. Someone might know more about this,
bandwidth considerations, whatever. I'm not a mass
email marketer, though I am conducting an email survey
right now as we speak, non-commercial, research only.

Steven Streight
Web Usability Analyst & Content Writer
Digital Media Artist
Virtual Instrument Music Composer

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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