My boss did a blog post on how people don't read what they "write" sometimes:

* Who Represents?, a database for agencies to the rich and famous: <>

* Experts Exchange, a knowledge base for programmers: <>

* Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island: <>

* Mole Station Native Nursery: <>

Peter MacGregor wrote:
Ross you left out one of my favourites (sob)

You, Ewe and Yew!!

(Now all three of them can get back to work!)

I assume Ross, you have read that great little book by Lynne Truss entitled "Eats Shoots and Leaves"? Covers punctuation and grammar in depth but is easily read and very amusing.

The title (for those that don't know it) comes from the story of the Panda that walked into a bar, ordered a drink, downed it, took out a pistol and fired three shots into the air before turning around and starting to walk out of the bar.

The barman said "Hey - who the hell are you doing that?"

The Panda replied - "I'm a Panda."

"What's a Panda?" asked the bartender.

"Look it up in your dictionary" replied the Panda.

The barman duly did and there was the entry - "Panda - a large bear-like creature native of China that eats, shoots, and leaves"

Just in case anyone is puzzled - and I've come across a few that are when confronted with that - of course it should have read -

"Panda - a large bear-like creature native of China that eats shoots and leaves"

Punctuation makes all the difference!

Have a good weekend folks!

Peter MacGregor

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