On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 14:24 -0500, Portman wrote:
> Hi all,
> Been kinda quiet on this list lately - is everyone still out there?
> I am starting to write a program for a client of mine. They want to be 
> able to configure options, etc. for catering events (i.e. linens, bar, 
> venue, etc.) Each option has a different effect on the price. Any ideas 
> as to what language to use? I know Perl but is that the best option? 
> Java? Something else?

PHP's fairly easy to pick up if you know Perl/C style syntax, it
integrates really well with MySQL and Postgres Databases too.

Check out the following sites:


There's loads of others out there for tutorials etc, and if you're after
a book, Jono Bacon (http://www.jonobacon.org/) has written a book at
looks excellent and is available from Amazon



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