On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Portman wrote:
> Been kinda quiet on this list lately - is everyone still out there?

I think most of us are still here, but now we know all we need to know
about development so there's no questions left to ask :)

(... yeah, *right*! ;)

> I am starting to write a program for a client of mine. They want to be
> able to configure options, etc. for catering events (i.e. linens, bar,
> venue, etc.) Each option has a different effect on the price. Any ideas
> as to what language to use? I know Perl but is that the best option?
> Java? Something else?

Well, if you already know Perl and want to just get the job done, then
that's probably a safe choice :)

If you're up for a challenge and a little learning along the way, then
Matt's right, PHP is pretty easy to learn, and if you already know Perl
you shouldn't find it too hard.

Either way, good luck with it - sounds like a fairly easy project, so
might be a good one to learn PHP with : )


Dave P

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