Quoting Ross Clutterbuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi List - been a while.

Indeed, I was wondering where "MoU" had got too... :oP

> In a nutshell my knowledge of database design and operation is very
> basic so I come to you for some advice on how best to set up a simple
> database and how to carry out certain operations on it.
> What I want to achieve is a database of qualifications that a user can
> search through. Each qualification is made up of a title, qualification
> level (1 to 4, can be multiple values), a list of mandatory units and a
> list of optional units. These units come from a user-managed list. Each
> unit is made up of a title and a type (mandatory or optional).

OK, here's my stab at it:


module id - unique & primary key - probably auto_increment
module title
module description

course id - unique & primary key - probably auto_increment
course title
course level
course description

course id
module id
is_compulsory (boolean)

That means that the relationships between courses and modules can be  
very quickly searched on and also that a module that is compulsory for  
one course is not compulsory for all courses.

It also does away with the requirement for a CSV list and means that  
you can run much more powerful (and therefore more effective) queries  
over your data.



P.S. If it does help, you owe me 3 virtual beers... :o)

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

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