Quoting Ross Clutterbuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks Matthews
> Yahoo's no longer letting me send via their SMTP servers so until
> recently I've not been able to actually communicate with the list -
> not that I've been able to help much recently anyway! I'm all fully
> moved to GMail now so that's one less thing to worry about.

http://www.chrisbrogan.com/when-google-owns-you/ :o)

> Let me go over this so I know I've got it right in my head - you have
> a table detailing qualification data only, a table detailing course
> unit data only and then a third table that defines the lists of course
> units the qualifications have in them.
> Adding a course unit to a qualification would actually add a record to
> the third table, so even though the same course code may appear in a
> number of records, each record is only assigned to one qualification.
> Ah I get you - many-to-one and one-to-many relationships.
> Cool! Makes sense to me. I'll press on and get back to you - virtual
> beers on their way!

Glad it made sense, best of luck,

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

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