On Nov 28, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> Either way, since there seemed to be objections at some level on every
> point, and since I really really have no enthusiasm for this stuff any
> more or of fighting for any change, I retract my personal interest in
> having any of the amendments as part of a WSGI 1.1 specification and
> will remove all that detail from mod_wsgi documentation


> If don't see an answer, then guess I will just have to revert it back
> to (1, 0) to be safe and to avoid any accusations that am highjacking
> the process.
> An answer sooner rather than later would be appreciated on the
> wsgi.version issue.

I'd rather appreciate it if you held off on making such changes until either 
this discussion either peters out or is resolved. You sound somewhat negative, 
but it seems to me that there's actually quite close to being a consensus on 
adopting most of your proposal. Changing the proposal out from under us doesn't 
really help things.

The next step here is clearly for someone to redraft the changes as a diff 
against PEP 333. If you do not have any interest in being that person, please 
make that clear, so someone else can step up to do so.

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