
You asked:

"I Iike the tight MVC paradigm, security, and other good practices
built into web2py, but sometimes I wish there was a way to more
quickly prototype the front-end, eg test the functionality of SQLFORMS
in different views from a user experience perspective, without
worrying about this matching the controller side so much at that early
development stage."

I am interested in how you are defining your different views and using
SQLFORM.  Are you just changing css or are you accessing the form/
record data directly?

Would a simple way of referencing different views be to pass a
"view=viewA.html" param to the controller under test and include ...

if request.vars.form: response.view=request.vars.view

... in the controller?

On Oct 30, 5:38 am, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I share Achipas opinion, I am quick and merciless. I clicked around,
> read a few pages of the documentation, and thought, "nice site design
> but not sold yet..."
> Negatives
> 1. Much more work ( have to learn the expression language)
> 2. Code duplication. Its doing what the built in Jquery lib is there
> for, browse the site for several plugins for more functionality
> 3. It uses Pastescript and Beaker( I am wary of after my experience
> with pylons, it was too cryptical for me)
> 4. Might not play well when a the site design comes from the design
> department, the design work get shifted to you, the programmer , more
> headaches
> Positives
> 1.The docs are well placed and easy to understand
> 1. I like the directory structure, (
> get_started/python/directory_structure.html) .
> 2, It has signals.
> I have had my experience with PHP, PHP Frameworks, MS .NET, Pylons and
> Django, so Web2py was a big change for me, simple, easy to understand
> and dissect. One can take a rapidly prototyped app in web2py,build on
> it and make it a finished application with almost no effort
> @ Noob
> Just browse the repository( you would be
> pleasantly surprised how much cool stuff is in there, IMHO, you do not
> need any other presentational frameworks apart from Jquery. I think
> Jquery qould play a big part in T3,  thats if we need another layer
> above T2, or t2 gets finished
> @Dunsun
> What about picking out a few SOA, RIA features that you would like to
> see in web2py, look for an equivalent in Jquerys repo, and we all poll
> on whether it needs to be integrated as a HTML helper or stay a
> plugin. I have gotten several Jquery plugins to work with web2py, I
> can help in this respect
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