Pushing to Launchpad w/ Windows PC & bzr:

   1. you need to create a public ssh key on launchpad;  get putty from
   http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/  (zip file will do);
   2. Unzip files from putty - you'll use 2 - puttygen.exe and pageant.exe
   3. run puttygen
      1. click Generate
      2. move mouse around
      3. if you want to keep your private keys private, enter a passphrase
      (not necessary - but if you do you better remember your passphrase)
      4. IMPORTANT:  open an editor, and copy the public key from the
      puttygen window (it is NOT the same as the saved public key, so
       Save this in a file, e.g.  "public_key.txt";  you will also
paste this into
      Launchpad for your branch (for more info on the "bug", see
      ) <https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/26705>
      5. save your private key (use the button);
      6. paste your public key (you'll be asked the first time you create a
      branch;  not sure where you edit, if you need to...)
   4. IMPORTANT:   bzr 1.7*, 1.8*  do not work with this step, so get AT
   LEAST 1.9rc1 (or later) from https://launchpad.net/bzr/+download
   5. I use the standalone installer, but DO NOT install the Tortoise
   integration - it conflicts w/ WingIDE, and possibly other python debugger
   enabled programs;  Install bazaar;
   6. After you've generated your branch, and entered your SSH public key -
   push the branch from your local workspace where you've done your work:
      1. start pageant.exe (it will create an icon on your task bar)
      2. right click on the Pageant icon in the task bar - select "view
      3. add keys (your private key file you saved;  you'll need your
      passphrase if you used one)
      4. That's it!  Start a shell of your choice (e.g. cmd.exe)
      5. Your branch will have a command to update that branch;  run that
      command.   You know you connected when you see something like this:

D:\Workspace\Web2Py\web2py-PADi>bzr push lp:~yarkot1/web2py/PADi
Connected (version 2.0, client Twisted)
Authentication (publickey) successful!
Secsh channel 1 opened.
bzr: ERROR: Target directory lp:~yarkot1/web2py/PADi already exists, but
does not have a valid .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push
there anyway.

D:\Workspace\Web2Py\web2py-PADi>bzr push --use-existing-dir
Connected (version 2.0, client Twisted)
Authentication (publickey) successful!
Secsh channel 1 opened.
Created new branch.


If you're really lost, you might find the video here helpful (it is a bit


Let me know if you have questions or problems.


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