On Nov 5, 2:48 am, billf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will have a look - thanks.  BTW - I am a bit confused re a few
> things:
> 1) Is Google Code deprecated in favour of Launchpad or do they serve 2
> different purposes?

Massimo is mirroring to Google Code because (at least this past
summer) people were used to SVN, and afraid of bzr...

But distributed _something_  (bazaar or mercurial are both python
based)  won out for the "real" work.

SVN / Google code is just mirrored for those that still are only
comfortable with svn updates.

> 2) If I create a blueprint and Launchpad suggests the spec is a wiki
> page somewhere, where should I put the spec?

If you want to make a new feature, and you post it in a wiki / blog /
anywhere - then anywhere you have / find (for now).   Perhaps at some
point we'll have a full-featured, really bang-up kick-*** outstanding
wiki in web2py (maybe you'll design it?), and we'll have someone
contribute hosting for an instance of web2py - then we can have that
all there.

> 3) Is Launchpad going to be used for bug reporting - it doesn't look
> like it has up to now :-)

Up to now, all bugs were reported on these groups - and Massimo fixes
them... unless there are too many, and he misses one...

Once there are more contributors, I'm afraid this will just get out of
hand.   Also, having a "regular" tracking system, and associating
versions / branches w/ each makes the basis for nice release notes.

Have to start somewhere!

> On Nov 5, 8:37 am, "Yarko T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You might find this generally useful - it's a wiki set of instructions to go
> > along w/ the video link I posted before.
> >http://wiki.showmedo.com/index.php/Using_Launchpad_and_Bazaar
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