First start it normally (in widget form) to see if there are any errors.

If that works just fine, check your file and parameters_<correct port number here>.py

Are they:
 - there (do they exist)?
 - valid python?

Check those and comeback if it isn't one of those issues.


misterc wrote:
I downloaded the source version of the framework.
I read this document:

and I tried to start as a service web2py on my Windows XP sp3.
I was able to install web2py as a service (with -W install)
but I don't understand why I can not start it.

The output was:

default applications appear to be installed already
web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2008
Version 1.53.5 (2008-12-08 16:55:03)
Database drivers available: SQLite3
Installing service web2py
Changing service configuration
Service updated
Starting service web2py

But if I watch the services web2py didn't started and if I try to open
a web page it doesn't works.



Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (

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