On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Niphlod <niph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> me too. The default webserver is not - usually - meant for production
> anyway. I started the test with the idea "let's see if tornado on windows
> (i.e. without all the goodies of select/epoll) can be at least comparable
> with a threaded server".
> PS: cherrypy (and rocket) uses a separate thread for every request. If I got
> that part right, limiting the threadpool to max 1 means that no concurrency
> at all is achieved. Unfortunately, it seems that I missed a step. Limiting
> using
> server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(address, app, numthreads=1, max=1)
> seems to raise rps to 68.93. 99% of the requests are served in 3078 ms.
> server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(address, app, numthreads=10, max=20)
> stops to rps 14.95 while the 99% of the requests are served in 8034 ms.
> If someone can explain this to me I'll be glad to offer him a beer if he
> passes nearby Milan.

Think about a bar with 10 barmans and two
beer faucets (I have to search to know I to call -
At some time the barmans start to starving each other to handle all
the beer requests.

I guess it's the thread context switch penalty plus GIL.
Try cherrypy with:
  numthreads=2, max=2
You should get about the same performance of single thread or better.

A good reading that can give you some enlightenment:




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