I got that part (barman and beers are nice :P). 
I envisioned that the threaded servers start one thread per request, and 
that thread closes when the request ends. 
So, if only 1 thread is available at most, basically all the requests have 
to be served serially (the server queues them and pass it to the "execution 
environment" only 1 at a time). With that in mind, without exxagerating the 
numbers (e.g. 100 threads), I thought that the achievable concurrency in 
threaded servers related semi-linearly with the number of available 
threads, but it seems that this is not the case. 
I expected at least a higher response-time (calculated from the moment ab 
issues the request to the moment it receives the 1st byte back from the 
server) with 1 thread max.

BTW, with 2 threads rps is 26.08, 99% served within 7566 ms.


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