The log seems to say that your certificate file is not there, or not


2012/11/6 Amit <>

> I am using Python 2.7.2.
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 6:33 PM, Michele Comitini <
>> wrote:
>> What is your python version?
>> 2012/11/6 Amit <>
>>> Hi Michele,
>>> I used Simpatica to generates the certificates but failed to deploy to
>>> the web2py server, please check once the first mail in this mail chain
>>> where I explained the problem in details.
>>> Regards,
>>> Amit
>>> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Michele Comitini <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  I suggest looking at code gluon/contrib/login_methods/
>>>>  Basically you can extract anything from client supplied cert and use it
>>>> with the auth tables of web2py.  That is really simple.
>>>> The tedious part id getting to know what stuff you can put in the cert.
>>>>  That is more related to managing a CA than to web2py itself.
>>>> I have written a simple but functional app for managing a little CA:
>>>> simpatiCA <> ; it is simple enough to be used as an
>>>> example and extended to your needs.  If you need a real CA there are more
>>>> featured solutions around...
>>>> mic
>>>> > PS: the man behind X509 auth code in web2py is mcm, sadly for your
>>>> it's documented how it works but not how to organize the certs (which in >
>>>> theory you should know in advance)
>>>> --
>>>> 2012/11/6 Niphlod <>
>>>>> hem... one thing is helping you to create certs and key for a SSL
>>>>> protected webserver, quite another to help you managing a credential store
>>>>> (I really don't have time for that).
>>>>> You have problems on finding out what OpenSSL is and want to manage
>>>>> X509 ? Really ?
>>>>> Maybe it's time to read some docs.
>>>>> PS: the man behind X509 auth code in web2py is mcm, sadly for your
>>>>> it's documented how it works but not how to organize the certs (which in
>>>>> theory you should know in advance)
>>>>> --
>>>>  --
>>>  --
>>  --
>  --


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