Why would you need to create an action for the form? Are you not using self 

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 12:22:03 PM UTC-7, Simon Carr wrote:
> I have this piece of code that calls a function in my controller when 
> clicked.
> {{=A('Add to My Charts',callback=URL('subscribe_form',vars={'chartname':
> chart.chartName}),target=str(chart.chartName).replace('.','_'))}}
> The subscribe_form function looks like this
> def subscribe_form():
>     form = 
> SQLFORM(db.user_chart,fields=['title','description'],hidden=dict(chartname=request.vars['chartname']))
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         response.flash = 'form accepted'
>     elif form.errors:
>         response.flash = 'form has errors'
>     else:
>         response.flash = 'please fill out the form'
>     return form
> The Form is created by AJAX, but it's action is blank.
> Do I have to specify the action myself if I am build a Form via AJAX?
> Simon


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