I'm loosing you (too much asked, too little information). 
- you have a page -->done
- you want a form loaded into a page --> done
- you want it to be submitted to the url that is loaded from --> done (if 
it's loaded through ajax, that means that you don't want to reload the main 
page, so it can't be submitted with anything else)

now what ?

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 10:34:48 PM UTC+1, Simon Carr wrote:
> Your right. Thanks mate. I was getting confused over cid. But anyway it 
> works great for creating the form.
> I notice that the form also submits via AJAX. How do I make it submit 
> normally so that I can have the page refreshed? I need the users list of 
> subscribed Charts and some other details to be updated after submitting the 
> form.
> Thanks
> Simon
> On Wednesday, 7 November 2012 21:04:35 UTC, Niphlod wrote:
>> doesn't it already (provided that there is a <div id='whatever'></div> in 
>> the page) ?
>> On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 9:36:27 PM UTC+1, Simon Carr wrote:
>>> Thank you, but how do I implement this in my view so that it loads the 
>>> form into a div when the link is clicked?
>>> On Wednesday, 7 November 2012 20:00:52 UTC, Niphlod wrote:
>>>> Wait a sec. callback and target are meant to load a fragment via ajax, 
>>>> but that doesn't "fire" all the logic needed to intercept FORMs etc. 
>>>> _callback and _target are meant roughly as an "onclick" under steroids. 
>>>> (under the hood it translates to an onclick="ajax(url, target)")
>>>> What you're trying to achieve is probably offered by the LOAD helper, 
>>>> that can be exploited in an A() using _href and cid
>>>> A('Add to My Charts',_href=URL('subscribe_form',vars={'chartname': 
>>>> 'whatever'}), cid='whatever')
>>>> That will load the component and trap all links and form submissions, 
>>>> because it translates to an onclick="web2py_component(url, target)"
>>>> On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 8:39:50 PM UTC+1, Simon Carr wrote:
>>>>> The URL with the form in 
>>>>> is web2py_xlchart_dashboard/charts/user_charts so without an action it 
>>>>> will 
>>>>> submit to *user_charts*, but I need it to submit to* subscribe_form 
>>>>> *which 
>>>>> is the function that was called by AJAX to generate the Form.
>>>>> or am I not understanding something?
>>>>> Simon
>>>>> On Wednesday, 7 November 2012 19:26:46 UTC, Derek wrote:
>>>>>> Why would you need to create an action for the form? Are you not 
>>>>>> using self submit?
>>>>>> On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 12:22:03 PM UTC-7, Simon Carr wrote:
>>>>>>> I have this piece of code that calls a function in my controller 
>>>>>>> when clicked.
>>>>>>> {{=A('Add to My Charts',callback=URL('subscribe_form',vars={
>>>>>>> 'chartname':chart.chartName}),target=str(chart.chartName).replace(
>>>>>>> '.','_'))}}
>>>>>>> The subscribe_form function looks like this
>>>>>>> def subscribe_form():
>>>>>>>     form = 
>>>>>>> SQLFORM(db.user_chart,fields=['title','description'],hidden=dict(chartname=request.vars['chartname']))
>>>>>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>>>>>         response.flash = 'form accepted'
>>>>>>>     elif form.errors:
>>>>>>>         response.flash = 'form has errors'
>>>>>>>     else:
>>>>>>>         response.flash = 'please fill out the form'
>>>>>>>     return form
>>>>>>> The Form is created by AJAX, but it's action is blank.
>>>>>>> Do I have to specify the action myself if I am build a Form via AJAX?
>>>>>>> Simon


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