fixed in PM. uwsgi wasn't installed on Richard's VM because pip path was 
reported incorrectly at the first installation (meaning that pip install 
--upgrade pip worked ok but the next pip install --upgrade pip was not 
finding pip binary).

Fixed that, script is now running ok even in 12.10.

@Paolo: added the shebang to execute it in bash instead of sh. now check 
for root permission works.

In the next few days I'll write down a fabfile, it's usually cleaner and 
safer (e.g. if a network hiccup happens and a package doesn't get correctly 
installed, this script goes on like nothing happened)

On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 9:09:51 PM UTC+1, Niphlod wrote:
> ok, wait a second, I'll try with my VM. the previous traceback is due to 
> the changes done to the certificate generation: I took them for granted but 
> there must be an error somewhere.
> edit: seen the "forget about the certificates" message right now. 
> Investigating in your "job failed to start". 
> PS: can you post the output of /var/log/upstart/uwsgi-emperor.log ?
> On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:48:54 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:
>> uwsgi doesn't seem to start, I have not log for it in /var/log/uwsgi/
>> Try to start it like that :
>> /etc/init$ sudo start uwsgi-emperor
>> start: Job failed to start
>> Richard


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